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Additional Help across the Cotswold District (South)

There are organisations beyond our food bank that can provide further support and advice. The below links provide information on a number of search pages that can link you with support and advice that meets your specific needs. Details of each search pages have been provided by Be Well Gloucestershire who can also offer support with mental health support.

Citizens Advice

Citizens advice provide free, confidential, and impartial advice to anyone who needs it, to help resolve the problems faced. Visit: Stroud and Cotswold Districts (

Be Well Gloucestershire

Be Well Gloucestershire is a local site to help when stress, anxiety, isolation and other challenges become hard to deal with. We want to encourage anyone who is having a hard time in the county to access the support that is available and break the social stigma attached to mental ill-health. Visit:

Your Circle

Your Circle is a directory to help you find your way around care and support and connect with people, places and activities in Gloucestershire.

The website is run by Gloucestershire County Council with information, advice and support to help you, or someone you look after, stay independent, safe and well. They have lots of information about local groups, societies, clubs, and services that offer care, support and wellbeing services to people in Gloucestershire. Visit:


GlosFamilies Directory is an online resource provided by Gloucestershire County Council providing information for families and practitioners on Relationship Support for Parents, Family Support, Advice and Early Help Services, Childcare, Education, Young People, Things to do and The Local Offer.

There is information on the cost of living support in the county, training and workshops and self-help guides. Visit: Glosfamilies Directory for more.


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